Quantum Computing

Transform business with emerging computational theory, applications and practical skills

Revolutionise business with advanced computational theory

Master emerging technologies and gain practical skills to solve complex problems.

Quantum computing is a rapidly developing field that promises to transform and extend computational capabilities using quantum mechanics. With the construction of quantum computers and access via cloud services now a reality, this module introduces the theory and foundations of quantum computing and its applications. 

It also provides practical skills to develop and implement algorithms to solve computational problems. Students will explore the current landscape and future potential of quantum computing, evaluating its impact on various industries, and preparing for its business applications.

An innovative online learning experience

This fully online course combines lectures, seminars, flipped classroom techniques, case study analysis, virtual lab activities, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), peer review, and collaboration. Both formative and summative assessments track your progress.

Formative assessments provide feedback to refine your study approach, while exams, assignments, projects, and exercises measure your knowledge, skills, and competencies. The proctored written test evaluates your understanding of programming in business model development, and a final exam accounts for 100% of your grade.

Time commitment

Classroom and demonstrations: 24 hours
Practical work/tutorials: 24 hours
Independent learning: 92 hours
Total: 125 hours

Credit points


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Full course breakdown

Subjects covered:

Quantum Computing is a 5 ECTS module delivered over 4 hours per week for 12 weeks. Here’s a schedule of the topics we’ll cover each week:

  1. Introduction
    • Results from the theory of quantum mechanics
    • Spin and polarisation
    • Measurements/Observables
    • Randomness and probability
    • Bits and Qubits
    • Quantum parallelism and interference
  2. Linear Vector Spaces, Hilbert Spaces, and Matrix Representations
    • Review of linear spaces
    • Hilbert spaces
    • Dirac <bra|ket> notation
    • Operations and operators
    • The Bloch Sphere
    • Pauli Matrices
    • Orthogonal and unitary matrices
    • Operations and operators
    • Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
  3. Quantum Circuits
    • Logic Gates
    • Reversibility
    • Multi-qubit Gates
    • Diagrammatic representation
    • Deutsch’s Algorithm
  4. Programming for Quantum Computing
    • Programming environments
    • Language support
    • Simulation
    • Quantum Computing cloud services
    • Coprocessor
  5. Entanglement
    • Entangled states
    • Bell’s Inequalities
    • Using the CNOT gate
    • No Cloning Theorem
    • Quantum Teleportation
  6. Quantum Information Theory
    • Elements from the Classical Information Theory
    • Information and Entropy
    • Quantum Information Processing and Error-Correcting Codes
    • Quantum Communications Channels
  7. Applications
    • Quantum Cryptography
    • Quantum Key Distribution
    • Ekert Protocol
    • BB84 Protocol
    • Dense coding
  8. Business / Domain Applications
    • Applications of QC in Pharma, Finance, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Chemistry, etc.
    • Business Strategy & Innovation with QC
  9. Quantum Fourier Transform
    • Fourier Series
    • Discrete Fourier Transform
    • Quantum Fourier Transform
  10. Quantum Algorithms
    • Deutsch-Josza Algorithm
    • Simon’s Algorithm
  11. Quantum Algorithms
    • Grover’s Search Algorithm
    • Schor’s Algorithm
  12. Emerging Topics
    • Quantum Hardware
    • Quantum Supremacy
    • Data Security
    • Quantum ML
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Module leader

Michael Bradford, National College of Ireland

Michael Bradford is a Post Assistant Professor and Programme Director for the MSc in Data Analytics at the National College of Ireland. He earned his BSc from UCD(NUI) in 1995, a Diploma in Information Systems from TCD in 2000, a BSc(Hons) in Mathematics from DIT in 2008, and an MSc in Mathematics from UCD(NUI) in 2009. 

Michael has extensive experience in software development and IT management, having worked in various roles from 1995 to 2008 before joining NCI in 2010. His research focuses on data analytics, and he has published numerous papers, including work on flip-classroom pedagogy and standardised dataset versioning.

Developing future digital leaders with Digital4Business

This module is part of the EU-funded Digital4Business programme, an online master’s that’s designed to develop future digital leaders. Explore how digital transformation drives innovation and efficiency in business, equipping you with essential skills to thrive and lead in the rapidly evolving digital era.

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Minimum C1 English proficiency, plus 2 years' work or education in an English-speaking environment. IELTS: 6.0; TOEFL PBT: 600; TOEFL CBT: 200; TOEFL iBT: 100

Applicants need a suitable cognate EQF Level 6 qualification (e.g. STEM, economics, etc.). Description of the eight EQF levels Those without such a qualification will undergo an interview and assessment to determine the suitability of their certifications, other qualifications, and/or professional experience.

This EU-funded programme is open to all EU nationals with a passport or valid ID from one of the 27 EU countries