Our Partners

Meet our partners

Linköping University

Innovation is our only tradition

Linköping University (LiU) is a Swedish university with 35,900 students in four faculties: Engineering, Humanities, Medicine and Education. LiU is also an AI research excellence center with strong and broad research and education in AI both from a technical and interdisciplinary perspective that combines a long history with driving the development of AI towards the future.


15 Partners from 7 EU countries


Our contribution

to the Digital4Business consortium

Linköping University (LiU) as an AI research excellence center contributes with its broad and deep expertise in AI and digitalization. We will especially contribute to the quality assurance process of Digital4Business to make sure that the education developed and the overall project results meets the highest standards.

Our mission

AI for accelerating research and education to create value to society.

Linköping University (LiU) is an AI research excellence center with strong and broad research and education in AI both from a technical and interdisciplinary perspective. LiU has been doing AI research since the early 1970s and thus combines a long history with driving the development of AI towards the future. Coordinator of TAILOR, one of the four EU-funded networks of AI research excellence centers, developing the scientific foundations of Trustworthy AI. Host of the largest basic research program in Sweden (WASP, Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program) as well as the Wallenberg AI and Transformative Technologies Education Development Program (WASP-ED). Host of the National Supercomputer Center including a NVidia SuperPOD (Berzelius).

Where can you find us?



Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems (AIICS), Linköping Univeristy, 581 83 Linköping
