Digital4Business at the 20X30 ADS Summit

Digital4Business at the 20X30: Europe’s ADS Summit in Madrid

Event Highlights and Key Insights

On 16 May 2024, the Digital4Business project participated in the 20X30: Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills (ADS) Summit in Madrid. This pivotal event brought together leaders from business, academia, and policy-making to address Europe’s pressing need for advanced digital skills.

Digital4Business at the 20X30 ADS Summit

Our Session: Fast Tracking Advanced Digital Skills for SMEs

A highlight was our session, “The 20X30 Digital4Business Vision: Fast Tracking Advanced Digital Skills for SMEs,” where Horacio González-Vélez and Brian Cochrane shared insights from the Digital4Business project. They discussed strategies to accelerate advanced digital skills adoption among European SMEs, providing practical approaches and actionable insights.

Engagement and Networking

Our project stand allowed us to engage directly with attendees, demonstrate our tools, and discuss collaborative opportunities. The summit featured various sessions, including “Market Demands and Forecasts in Advanced Digital Skills – Horizon 2030” by Leonardo Bulgarelli Freitas from IDC, highlighting future digital workforce needs.

Digital4Business at the 20X30 ADS Summit

Key Sessions and Participants

  • “The 20X30 Challenge: Advanced Digital Skills in the European Context”: Led by Brendan Rowan, this session explored trends shaping the next decade with insights from Jack Hamande, Samia Ghozlane, José Manuel Pingarrón, and Rehana Schwinninger-Ladak.
  • “Managing Talent Pipelines for the Companies of Tomorrow”: A panel including Tanya Suarez (BluSpecs), Diogo Santos Franco (Siemens), Kristen Doran (SAP), Helen Packard (FCA UK), and José Manuel de la Chica (Banco Santander) discussed strategies for managing talent in the wake of recent changes in hiring practices.
  • “Cloud-Powered SME Digital Transformation”: Hosted by CloudCamp4SMEs with Irina Frigioiu of Funding Box, this session examined collaborative initiatives to expand reach across Europe.
  • “Leveraging the Potential of Women to Address the Advanced Digital Skills Gap”: Moderated by Stephanie von Behr, with contributions from Maria Mezher (Productsup), Noelia Torres Baños (F5), and Mark Jordan (Skillnet Ireland), this session focused on empowering women in technology.

Looking Forward

Our participation in the 20X30 ADS Summit has reinforced our commitment to enhancing digital skills in SMEs across Europe. We are inspired by the innovative strategies and collaborative spirit evident throughout the event and look forward to integrating these insights into our ongoing efforts.

For more information about our project and upcoming events, follow us on LinkedIn and stay tuned for our latest updates.